Breaking the cycle of absent Dads: Huffington Posts reports that 1 in 3 children live away from their Dad in America. Now that’s a lot of broken homes (mine included). Soy eludes dialogue and information that speak to those in Father-Less households and environments. Conversation including DeadBeat Dads, Super Moms and a Dad actually explains “Why He Left”. Guest information from Jackie Hill, Oprah Winfrey, Ayanna and Prentice Powell.
Damon M Edwards / July 24, 2022
Soy is a phenomenal woman of color with such a... -
Denise McRae / March 6, 2021
Thank you Soy for always providing informative content through knowledgeable... -
Shamika Saves / December 20, 2020
Thank you Soy, your show is just what I need...